Musikforum von Neueste Fragen


The Lowest Form of Life… 80’s-90’s Pop

weiss jetzt gar nicht, ob ich das schon mal getextet habe,
egal nochmal is’n schöner text, männlich, rythmisch, sehr einprägsam,
this is a,a lion,he live’s in a wild place,known as,the jungle,now lion’s are fine,well animals,they have to kill to survive,lion’s are,ok,
the lowest form of life,… 3x, on the planet earth,
well fish,well fish,let’s take fish,they are silent creatures,they live in their own world,in a substance known as water,they don’t buther anything,anyone,they live of fatitation,roomed in the sea,some fish kill to survive,fish are ok,
the lowest form of life,… 3x, on the planet earth,
then there are birds,birds are creatures of great beauty,they fly without mechanicle assistence,some are quiet small,some are large,and big,some birds kill to survive,birds are,ok,
the lowest form of life…..



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