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die Musik ist aus einem ARD Film Lilly Schönauer Heimkehr ins Glück, vom 16.06.2012
Ich habe denn Text berichtigt: Didn’t know when we met how alone i was, seen you, holding you, given you the love . I have never know was in the , waiting for the chance, to find a heart like yours to chain my life, I will make a hole, and if you cannot live with you. Waiting for the chance, to findMehr lesen
Ich habe denn Text berichtigt:
Didn’t know when we met how alone i was, seen you, holding you, given you the love . I have never know was in the , waiting for the chance, to find a heart like yours to chain my life, I will make a hole, and if you cannot live with you. Waiting for the chance, to find a heart like yours to chain my live , I will make a hole, and if you cannot live with you
Weniger sehendie Musik ist aus einem ARD Film Lilly Schönauer Heimkehr ins Glück, vom 16.06.2012
Der komplette Text heißt: didn’t know when we met how alone i was, seen you, holding you, given you the live . I have never know was in the , waiting for the chance, to find a heart like yours to chain my live , I will make a hole, and if you cannot live with you. waiting for the chance, to find a hMehr lesen
Der komplette Text heißt:
didn’t know when we met how alone i was, seen you, holding you, given you the live . I have never know was in the , waiting for the chance, to find a heart like yours to chain my live , I will make a hole, and if you cannot live with you. waiting for the chance, to find a heart like yours to chain my live , I will make a hole, and if you cannot live with you. I will make a hole.
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